I don't feel like doing this today.
*heavy sigh*
A good word.
Hard to live up to.
My fav go-to subject! When all else fails, there's always the Weather!
First, I must go take a WIP. Dunno why. Gonna look just like yesterdays.
Perseverance, that's why.
Well. Too dark for a WIP
Wouldn't you agree?
But, HEY! Doesn't look just like yesterdays after all.
I had to get a little heavy handed with the shutter release button. Camera balked at the lack of light.
We'll try again inna few. In the meantime, I will commune with Phone and find out the current conditions.
Mild on the Front Porch. Even with the 6 mph breezes ruffling the hair.
89% humidity and overcast skies.
Me and the WeeGees are pals this morning.
Expected high of 39° with winds gusting up to 35 mph.
Gonna be a wind-chilly day.
Too long with the monitor.
It's aspirin time!
Have a great day, Travelers.
Hold it!
Must persevere.
Gotta try for that WIP again, as promised.
Well. Camera wanted to turn things purple this morning.
Good choice. It was kinda purplely out there. But not THAT purplely.
May you enjoy many purplely mornings, Travelers.
Cus, they're purdy.