Friday, November 10, 2017

No Applegee

Good morning, Travelers. I'm awake. I like days when I'm awake!
But that ain't helpin' the nuttin' syndrome.
Do I have anything...anything at all?
Two Crows said good morning to me while out on the Front Porch. One of them let me take his picture.

There's always today's WIP-
And today's forecast-
48° with 74% humidity, overcast skies and 12 mph winds with gusts up to 24 mph. 
Even with the wind it wasn't cold outside. Felt wonderfully delicious and cool. You know, the 'throw your face to the wind' kinda breeze. Our forecast calls for possible snow showers this morning. With 48°? It also says our high is expected to be 33°. Yeah, but... but... 48°? It's 
 Com'on, WeeGees! Don't you see the problem here?

The lovely Luna is still saying good morning as she travels by.

Yesterday, while at the store for ginger ale... I just knew you wanted to know why I was there... a large flock of seagulls flew overhead. I managed to capture a small fraction of their numbers in a picture. Goodie goodie, right?
They were totally silent. If my eyes had been shut I would have never know they were there. 
Seemed a bit eerie. Seagulls are very vocal birds. Usually.
Done. Done here. Borrrrrring.
The nuttin' mornings continue.
I won't 'applegees', because I will never be sorry for loving you or choosing to say so in this manner.
However, I will wholeheartedly thank you, dear reader, for your tolerance thru my nuttin's.
Toodles, my beloved Fellow Travelers!