Thursday, November 30, 2017

Peanut The Flying Squirrel

I was sitting at the computer this evening when I heard S loudly proclaim “There is a Chippy in the house!” The hunt was on! While I guarded the stairway, L and S went thru the living room, kitchen and dining room, searching every nook, cranny, and crevasse. It only took them about 5 minutes to locate what, at first, S thought was a Chippy, L thought was a Squirrel and I feared was a Rat. After the capture, a closer look and a quick Google search, we made a positive identification.  
PEANUT, The Flying Squirrel!
Peanut was officially dubbed by S. A perfect name because he was found in the food cupboard. During his stay in there, he made a valiant attempt to chew thru the lid on a jar of peanut butter to get to the gooey goodness inside. The presence of Peanut explained a couple of mysteries in the house. Such as, the noise I heard in my room last night, the trash pulled out of the can and strewn all over the floor this morning, the Christmas decorations knocked off the little side table and the popcorn string pulled off the Christmas Tree. Not just pulled off the tree, but also eaten.
Peanut was adorable! 
After catching him with thick gloves, as seen in S's photo (gloves that the little fella immediately sunk his teeth into), and a brief photo shoot, L drove a few miles down the road and released Peanut into the wild. In the meantime, S and I disinfected the entire kitchen and dining room with bleach.
 Good luck, little Peanut. 
Your visit was nice, but costly. 50 dollars or more in food was tossed out of the cupboard. He not only chewed the peanut butter lid, but several bags of chips, several boxes of crackers, a couple boxes of pasta, some seasoning and dressing packets, a bag of hamburger buns and a canister of  grits, just to name a few items. Caused quite a stir in the house, he did. 
But he was so blasted cute!!

A Song Fan

It's gray and cold out there.
On this last day of November.
23° fair skies calm winds and 81% humidity.

My Baby Sis once told me I'm a song fan. I like it. I've been describing myself as such ever since. Bands, musicians, conductors, songwriters and singers didn't register in my head. Only a song. Most songs that have stuck, or will stick with me, are songs I can sing with. And in most cases the lyrics make a huge difference. Some songs have such great lyrics. Poetry to me. But mixed in with those great lyrics are words that date the song and prevent it's immortality, as the new generations cannot relate to those lyrics at all. Fun. Fun's song "Carry On" is such a song. Some great lyrics, poetry really, mixed in with not so great lyrics. So, as others have done for countless generations, I choose those snippets that speak to me and blur out those that do not. Transforming the songs original meaning to suit me and my life. It's so easy to speak encouraging words without fully understanding what it is to be in the position to actually try and live by them. But what else do we have, when we don't know what to do or say, but to try and be encouraging? And hopeful. After all, in most cases, the intent is usually well meant, and in some cases, heartfelt. So, for as long as possible, please try to
"Carry On"
Songwriters: Jeff Bhasker / Andrew Dost / Jack Antonoff / Nate Ruess
Carry On lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Warner/Chappell Music, Inc

'Cause we are 
We are shining stars
We are invincible
We are who we are
On our darkest day
When we're miles away
So we'll come, we will find our way home
If you're lost and alone
Or you're sinking like a stone
Carry on
May your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground and
Carry on.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Mental Detours

Good Morning.
Sounds windy out. Either that or the street has been seeing more traffic than usual. So, no time like the now to find out.
"I'll be back."
Amazing how those three words are forever etched into the minds of an entire generation and beyond, with an Austrian accent. The Terminator lives on!
WIP time.
Well! It's actually rather mild outside. 47° of mild. 83% humidity, fair skies and 8 mph Southwesterly winds. I spent quite a few minutes with Front Porch before fingers and nose started to protest the cold. The wind coupled with the loudest traffic noise I've heard in a very long time, account for what the ears have been listening to ever since I got up. 
"Where's the WIP!?"
I HAD to! I Googled the Wendy's "Where's the beef!?" commercial! I love that lady!
"I don't think there's anybody back there!"
Where was I?
Oh, yeah. The WIP
Okey-dokey, no more mental detours.
Here's the WIP-
Have a Great, Grand and Glorious day, my wonderful Fellow Travelers of this wonderful Universe.
Seriously, you deserve nothing less!

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

A Nose With Fast Moving Feet

Now I have a runny nose.
When you say "my nose is running" do you picture a nose with fast moving feet?
Yeah... makes for quite the visual, no?
The WIP has not been taken as yet. Just the act of opening the door instantly brought about the slamming of the door to keep the Dark and the Cold from launching a successful tag team assault.
They both had their aggressive "Let's get her!" faces on. I much prefer their "Can you come out and play?" faces. So, while I wait for the rising of the Sun to placate those two elements, I shall regale you with the weather report.
My, doesn't that sound exciting?
Ok Ok. On with it.
The current conditions are thys- wait. Not "thys", THUS. They are thus-
15°. Ah-huh. Degrees to which I have just slammed the door on. Sorry L. Sorry S. Sorry N.
80% humidity. If they say so.
Calm winds. That will be confirmed when OBACE is forced out the door, all in the name of gainful employment.
And finally, fair skies. The brief glimpse OBACE managed, when the first door slamming attempt to evaluate the weather occurred, is inconclusive in regards to the state of the sky at this moment.
And there you have it, this mornings weather breakfast, as served up by Mother Nature and proclaimed by the National Weather Service, aka the Weather Guessers, aka the WeeGees, aka the LIARS!! whenever OBACE disagrees with them. And when Uvula wants to play.
Can't put it off any longer. I must disengage OBACE's emergency brakes and force the cumbersome and reluctant beast out the door for a WIP. And a car warm-up. Doncha just love watching yer gas gauge go down while not going anywhere? There is something terribly wrong in that.
Going now...
Took A picture. As in 1. One picture.
But, OBACE's sensory input devices registered several things in pretty rapid secession.
How quickly Jack Frost painted the stormdoor glass when the door was bravely opened.
The crisp smelling air that immediately froze the nose hairs.
The stentorian cough brought on when the involuntary gasp at the cold air attacked the lungs.
The thunderous cracking sound of the Porch reacting to the cumbersome bulk that is OBACE.
The crunchy sound the grass made as OBACE bolted across the lawn for the car, rather than down the walk, as per usual.
And the reluctance of Trusty to instantly turn his engine on. Took him a second to come outta hibernation.
Gotta go now!
Have a great day if you can, Travelers.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Feeling Better

Feeling better. 
But I can also feel the sick coming again. So I must be fast and get off the computer quickly.
Today the current weather recipe for breakfast is 29°, 85% humidity, calm winds and overcast skies. 41° is the predicted high, along with sunny skies.
And, I'm off!
Have a great day and don't make yourself computer sick. 
Ain't worth it.
Wait a minute!
Snow showers...
According to a snow shower is
 the label used to refer to a short period of light-to-moderate snowfall, also characterized by a sudden beginning and ending. There is some accumulation with snow showers, and they fall from convective or cumuliform clouds.
The very same source says that
snow squall is a heavy snow shower with strong winds.
But then we have snow flurries
which according to,
  refers to light snowfall with no accumulation on the ground. Snow flurries can fall on and off all day.
Now that that's clear, I'm running from the monitor before bad things happen to my head and stomach again.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Too Much Computer

Too much computer can make one sick. Just so you know. In case you didn't already know.
I need my pillow. Right now. But I asked for this, playing on the computer for so long.
A WIP that was taken at 4 pm. The 4 pm weather conditions were 35°, 50% humidity, cloudy skies, (LIARS!) it was not, and 8 mph winds out of the West, giving us a wind chill factor of 28°. Chilly.
The WeeGees are calling for snow showers over night. What exactly is a snow SHOWER?
Can't look it up. Must calm this headache and queasy stomach with shut eyes and head on pillow.
Good night, Travelers.
May you never be struck with monitor sickness.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

No Pondering The Glories, Gifts And Mysteries

No time to ponder the glories, gifts and mysteries that is Life this morning. Too long with my breakfast. What can I say, I LOVE food. That said, on with the weather report.
As the WIP indicates, I did step out onto the Front Porch. It's a cutis anserina kinda morning. Tho the WeeGees claim it's a 42° morning, the baby goosebumps put in an appearance. As for the rest of the conditions, we have 76% humidity. Yep. My skin's drying out as we speak, or as I type actually. Next we have 3 mph SW winds, which, I personally believe, brought on the cutis eruption. And finally, we have fair skies. Uvula drowsily opened one figurative eye when the brain we all share registered zero stars in the sky. But, after carefully scanning the skies for proof of those so called fair skies, because as dark as it was there should have been stars visible, my eyes finally adjusted and there they were. Plenty of stars, faintly twinkling away in the predawn blue that I love so much.
Uvula promptly fell back to sleep.
Have a great day, Travelers.
May Love and Happiness be your constant companions!

Friday, November 24, 2017


Happy post-Turkeyday!
For many, post-Turkeyday continues the holiday. Which means it will be a happy day of leftovers and relaxation. Or, it might be the experience of a manic driven, stress ridden "I've got to get it first and cheapest" day, for those that brave Black Friday. Or, for those of us in retail, it's back to work.
Whatever your Black Friday day turns out to be, I hope you enjoy it.
On with today's weather.
25° - Brrr.
88% humidity - I got nuttin'
Calm winds - no wind chill. A good thing, that.
A Few Clouds - I love it when the WeeGees dispense with the partly or mostly cloudy thing.
A WIP will be next, but I have yet to steer OBACE outside to visit the Front Porch. I'm waiting for the perfect time. That will be approximately 15 minutes before I must leave for work. I want to start the car warming up, visit the Porch for 5 minutes of morning musings, finish this report, fix my coffee for work, grab my lunch, bundle-up like Nanook and then head for work. All within 15 minutes? I better make it 20.

The 5 minutes of morning musings turned into 5 seconds. My fingers protest the cold too much! They went and got old on me. Oh. The clock just turned to "time to leave for work" o'clock.
Have a great post-Turkeyday, Travelers!
Thinking about you, C and R.
I hope your Thanksgiving was good.

Thursday, November 23, 2017


Happy Thanksgiving!

The weather breakfast served up by Mama Nature this Turkeyday is 38°, 72% humidity, 3 mph breezes and fair skies. Forecast calls for a chilly day with increasing clouds, no expected precipitation and a high of 38°. And lots and lots of food!
Hope your day is a great one, Travelers!
May Love and Happiness be yours today,
and all the days that follow.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Turkeyday Eve

Fair skies
Calm winds
93% humidity
Forecast calls for rain after 9 am and possible snow after bedtime. Little to no accumulation.
Not much to see in the dark.
Happy Turkeyday Eve, Travelers!

I had a bit of Google time this morning. Unlike yesterday. So I must quickly add this quote (no stated source) regarding Jack Frost. This might, I repeat, MIGHT (insert required skepticism toward the unstated sources here), explain where Jack Frost got his name.
"Jack Frost is a figure believed to have originated in Viking folklore, an elfish creature who personifies crisp, cold, winter weather. It is said he is the one who leaves those beautiful frosty crystal patterns on leaves and windows on cold mornings. It is also thought that the English derived the name Jack Frost from the Norse character names, Jokul ("icicle") and Frosti ("frost")."

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Who Named Him Jack

It's 22° out there.
That's what the WeeGees say.
Definitely a chilly way 
For anyone to start their day.
The winds are calm.
No wind chill warning.
Maybe the nose hairs
Won't freeze this morning.
The humidity 
Is at 85%
Here's to hoping
The fingers don't split.
Last, but not least
The skies are fair.
Now I must hurry.
Time to be elsewhere.

Must warm the car up.
Frost's season is back
No time for Google. 
But, who named him Jack?

Monday, November 20, 2017


Trying real hard of late to skip the FPR.
Gotta snap outta of it!
The current weather is---
42% humidity
7 mph winds
partly cloudy skies.
and Yep.
Gets dark rather early now.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Rainy Front Porch

The Front Porch is being rained on.
Woke up to 57°,  rain/fog/mist, 96% humidity and winds gusting up to 26 mph.
A  bona fide storm.
At 57° it feels great. No goosebumps this morning.
  Poor Camera. It has a shutter cover issue, as illustrated by the blur in the bottom right corner of the pictures. I forget I have to thump the poor thing across the head now, in order to get the lens cover to open all the way. 
Have a great day, Travelers. And may all our lives be led with nary a thump.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Maybe Later After Work

Maybe later I'll got sumpin'?
Got nuttin' but the weather now.
24°, fair skies, 68% humidity and 3 mph East winds.

No photo evidence as I was driving at the time, but yesterday a dozen or so geese flew right over my car. What a sight! They hadn't cleared the tree line yet, so they were following the street right over my car. Wish I could have snapped a picture of them.
May you have many, many wonderful sights to see, everyday. 
But don't become a distracted driver!
I gotta work on that, before I become a road hazard.
Te quiero, Travelers.

Friday, November 17, 2017

I Don't Feel Like It Today

I don't feel like doing this today.
*heavy sigh* 
A good word. 
Hard to live up to.
My fav go-to subject! When all else fails, there's always the Weather!
First, I must go take a WIP. Dunno why. Gonna look just like yesterdays.
Perseverance, that's why.
Well. Too dark for a WIP
Wouldn't you agree?
But, HEY! Doesn't look just like yesterdays after all.
I had to get a little heavy handed with the shutter release button. Camera balked at the lack of light.
We'll try again inna few. In the meantime, I will commune with Phone and find out the current conditions.
Mild on the Front Porch. Even with the 6 mph breezes ruffling the hair.
89% humidity and overcast skies.
Me and the WeeGees are pals this morning.
Expected high of 39° with winds gusting up to 35 mph.
Gonna be a wind-chilly day.
Too long with the monitor.
It's aspirin time!
Have a great day, Travelers.
Hold it!
Must persevere.
Gotta try for that WIP again, as promised.
Well. Camera wanted to turn things purple this morning.
Good choice. It was kinda purplely out there. But not THAT purplely.
May you enjoy many purplely mornings, Travelers. 
Cus, they're purdy.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

A Blow To The Psyche

The loss of a loved one is such a shattering blow to the psyche. It changes a person. Permanently. It's difficult to accept these changes, whether they be in yourself or in someone else. Logic, or life, tells us these changes are inevitable, necessary even. Knowing that doesn't make it any easier to process. Good or bad, these experiences make us who we are. Keep moving on. We cannot dictate the pace, not in our selves and certainly not in anyone else. No matter how slow it might be, put one foot in front of the other and keep moving. Be forgiving of those who withdraw because they find the changes off-putting and difficult to accept. Be gentle with yourself as you assimilate these changes and learn who it is you are now. Be prepared. I can't say with any certainty, but I think facing the truth about our self is probably the single most difficult thing we do in life. And that's if we choose to do it at all. Fear keeps us from facing most things difficult. 
What the hell... I know where all that came from but how I managed to turn it around and make it about me is... typical of human nature, I guess. I need to shut up. For now, I'll post this. But it may disappear when I have a chance to proof read.
I'm thinking about you, D, and your sisters. Even when I meander off and make it all about me, somehow I get back on track and realize this is about you right now, not me. In your time of loss, be gentle with yourself AND with one another.
That's what will pull you through this.
I don't know where you'll find your comfort, but look for it everywhere, and in everything.
I find comfort in the everyday and mundane.
Like typing the Front Porch Report.
Like a picture of the predawn blue.
Like the current weather conditions.
88% humidity
Calm winds
Overcast skies
And a chance of snow showers today.
Have the best day you can, Travelers.
And, when the time comes, as it does to us all, may your awakened grief be a visitor you can nurture back to sleep faster and faster, as time goes by.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Too Much Popcorn

Went to the movies last night with N. We saw Thor: Ragnarok. Good movie. Not a five out of five star movie, but definitely one worth seeing. There were issues that... well, there were issues. Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston and Cate Blanchett are, without a doubt, superb actors who made the movie much better than it would have been if someone else were in their roles. Bottom line-
Yawl need to see it.
With that said, I am so sick to my stomach this morning. I MUST remind myself that I am no longer a teenager and my stomach is no longer cast iron. 
Oy Vey!
Maybe it's the post nasal drip... or a combo of the two.
Ok, that's just disgusting. Moving on now. Quickly moving on!
To the Front Porch Report we go.
Need to trot out and take a weather check.
33° of calm winds, overcast skies and 70% humidity.
30° didn't wake the featherless goose in me as much as this before. I don't think. Actually, I can't remember. Huh...
Age sucks.
Just sayin'.
Moving on. Again. Quickly.
What a difference a day makes, huh!? 


I ask you, "Doncha love the weather!?"
Have a good day, and keep on travelin' on, Travelers!
Oi, where's my aspirin?...

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Not A Measurable Accumulation

And snow it did!
No accumulation of snow, they said.
Well, okay, since this isn't what we would call a 'measurable' accumulation, I guess, technically, the WeeGees got it right. Barely. It don't matter, cus it sure is purdy.
Currently we have 31° with overcast skies, calm winds and 79% humidity. The forecast calls for partly cloudy skies with a high today of 42° and winds up to 5 mph. No form of precip is expected.
A winter day. In the fall.
That's ok.
We're gonna have a couple of fall days in the winter as well.
Doncha love weather!? It can be so unpredictable, just ask the Weather Guessers. And, it can be full of delightful/disastrous surprises, depending on your point of view regarding surprises.
Have a good day, Travelers.
May the surprises in your life be plentiful, for those of you who love them, or, for those of you who greatly abhor them, may the surprises in your life be a rare occurrence indeed.
Live Laugh Love and keep on Dreamin'!

Monday, November 13, 2017

Frosty Gray Cast

We had M Woods visitors this morning.
Camera managed to get a picture of one of them. Everything was moving too fast for Camera or I to get a good look at, let alone a picture of. Except for a Gray enjoying his breakfast.
What we couldn't photograph included a pair of Nuthatches, a twitchy Red squirrel, a woodpecker and two additional Grays going at it over territory rights. The Woods were full of life, but it was too cold out there for me to stay and enjoy it. I'm thinkin' my old age, sweater wearing days are sneaking up on me.
There was a frosty gray cast to everything around the Front Porch. Forecast calls for possible snow showers this morning. No accumulation. The current conditions are 23° with fair WHAT? .... uhmm, no. The skies are not fair, WeeGees. It's definitely O.V.E.R.C.A.S.T. out there, guys. C'mon. Humidity is at 88%, the winds are calm and it feels like a possible snow day. Not that it will positively snow, mind you, but it feels like it could. Snow days do have a feel of their own.
So maybe it will.
Snow, I mean.
May a good day be yours, Travelers.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Baby Sis And Her Car

Stupid... I don't wanna sling epithets this morning.
But, I ain't got no ser-vice...
Segue directly into the memory of Baby Sis entertaining herself with her reflection on the car she was driving at the time. The following is a loose rendering of Baby Sis's account of an event relayed to me between hysterical bouts of laughter. The shape of her vehicle at the time, and the strategic placement of some trim, turned the side of the car into Baby Sis's personal carnival mirror. If you've never played in a carnival mirror, should the opportunity arise, give it a try. I was running late and she was waiting for me in what appeared to be a rather remote and deserted area. Or so she thought. I guess Baby Sis put on quite the show for two gentlemen who were sitting under the nearby trees for a shady spot to eat their lunch. So engrossed were they in her performance that, according to Sis, when she finally spotted her audience, one of the gentlemen had forgotten that his sandwich was just an inch from his mouth. There he sat, mouth gaping in preparation for a large bite of food, frozen in stunned appreciation of Baby Sis's antics. The entire time she was amusing herself in the "mirror", she was softly singing a little ditty of sorts:
I ain't got no bo-dy
I ain't got no neck
I ain't got no le-eggs
I ain't got no head!
It was Red Face time when she glanced up and spotted her unsuspecting audience. She quickly piped up with one of her go-to, "caught red handed", "really, I'm not crazy" remarks:
"Hey, how ya doin'?"
This is where I come in. I show up just in time to see these two men go completely, just short of rolling on the ground, HYSTERICAL with laughter. I don't think I've ever seen anyone laugh harder.
Baby Sis dragged me over to her car saying "You gotta see this! Look! Look at the car!" When I finally spotted my reflection and saw what the car was doing with said reflection, it WAS hysterical! Head sitting on legs! Face sitting on shoulders! Stomach sitting on top of feet! Forehead sitting on neck! Just like her ditty said! No wonder Sis was having such fun! We played together with our reflections for a moment longer, while our audience tried not to choke on their lunch. When our own hysterics were under control and it was safe to drive, we waved goodbye to our lunch eating friends and went on our merry way.
Moments like that cannot be planned or prepared for. They certainly cannot be conveyed to anyone in a way that accurately describes it. And it's pointless to try and make a moment like that happen. The best we can do is hope we recognize and embrace the moment when it does happen.
Te quiero, Travelers!
May many, many "Moments" await you.

The F P Report.
I got this.
Currently it is 34°, with fair skies. Yeah, ok, fair skies. But it's hazy out there. Calm winds. Yep, the winds are indeed calm. And 54% humidity. Oh yeah. My fingers are in the middle of the Split Fits at this very moment. Right thumb and left middle finger, with the right middle considering a split of it's own. I guess it doesn't wanna be left out.
*heavy sigh*
I'm sure you really wanted to know all that.
Have a good day! 
And may you go thru life never knowing first hand what the Split Fits are!

Saturday, November 11, 2017


It's... c'mon, update already... there we go... 23° with fair skies, 6 mph winds and 55% humidity is this mornings weather breakfast. Sposta be sunny with a high of 34. Allow me to repeat-
Have a good day, Travelers. May you always have a warm place to be when it's cold outside.

Friday, November 10, 2017

No Applegee

Good morning, Travelers. I'm awake. I like days when I'm awake!
But that ain't helpin' the nuttin' syndrome.
Do I have anything...anything at all?
Two Crows said good morning to me while out on the Front Porch. One of them let me take his picture.

There's always today's WIP-
And today's forecast-
48° with 74% humidity, overcast skies and 12 mph winds with gusts up to 24 mph. 
Even with the wind it wasn't cold outside. Felt wonderfully delicious and cool. You know, the 'throw your face to the wind' kinda breeze. Our forecast calls for possible snow showers this morning. With 48°? It also says our high is expected to be 33°. Yeah, but... but... 48°? It's 
 Com'on, WeeGees! Don't you see the problem here?

The lovely Luna is still saying good morning as she travels by.

Yesterday, while at the store for ginger ale... I just knew you wanted to know why I was there... a large flock of seagulls flew overhead. I managed to capture a small fraction of their numbers in a picture. Goodie goodie, right?
They were totally silent. If my eyes had been shut I would have never know they were there. 
Seemed a bit eerie. Seagulls are very vocal birds. Usually.
Done. Done here. Borrrrrring.
The nuttin' mornings continue.
I won't 'applegees', because I will never be sorry for loving you or choosing to say so in this manner.
However, I will wholeheartedly thank you, dear reader, for your tolerance thru my nuttin's.
Toodles, my beloved Fellow Travelers!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Work Beckons

Work beckons.
No time for the morning musings.
21° of brrr, calm winds, fair skies and 92% humidity, as illustrated in the following 6:15 am WIP:

Doncha love chimneys? 

The first window scraping of the season.
Jack Frost sure knows how to paint!
Stay warm, Travelers.
I lie.
This was the SECOND window scraping of the season. Can't remember the day of the first scraping. Not to keen on spending the brain cells to figure it out. It was recently, tho.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

I Got Nuttin' Part Whatever

I got nuttin'.
*heavy sigh*
Not even a headache or stubbed toe to complain about.
*heavy sigh*
Well, whether the weather be wrong, or whether the weather be right, 
we always got the weather,
30° on the Front Porch.
30 degrees of a sudden and extreme horripilated eruption of goosebumps. Along with a side order of instant frozen fingers. Some dishes are extremely difficult to savor. But it can be done. Or, so I like to believe. One must ponder the dish long and hard to find a positive flavor. Or, aroma perhaps. It smelled good out on the Front Porch. I know, I know, it's decay. As I said before, I prefer to think of it as the ripening BEFORE the decay.
Winter is coming.
May your winter bring you many delightful days and chilly sensory input, without which, we would not have the necessary data to properly process the warm days that will follow.
Love and Happiness to you, my Fellow Travelers.
Vivi Ridi Ama

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Luna Is Always Beautiful

What a difference the time change makes. Throws everything off. I keep checking the clock and the phone to make sure the time is right. It's so light out this morning, for a second, I thought I was late for work.
I stepped outside with no sweater, wet hair from my shower and that special pair of pants I own that seems to instantly turn into ice in cold weather. What a jolt to the ticker that was! I wasn't expecting 33° of clear skies and crisp, calm air. Maybe it's the 93% humidity that made it feel so cold on the Front Porch. But you know that wonderful feeling that washes over you, when you step out of the cold and into the warmth of home? Yeah... That was worth the goosebumps.
No visitors of the warm blooded type this morning. But Luna paid a visit.

Luna's visits are always beautiful.
Have a great day today, Travelers.
Love and Happiness to you!

Monday, November 6, 2017


We have a sick kitty.
Refusing to eat. Refusing to get out of bed.

Come on, Noche'. You can beat this, whatever it is.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

A Beautiful Thing Contentment

A beautiful peaceful morning.
A chilly 43° morning. The only thing talking around the Front Porch was the 5 mph wind through what few leaves are left on the trees, and some Crows in the distance.
There may be rain today. It's overcast and I'm inclined to think rain might just happen.
Fireplace is burning.
Something very contented about a fire and the warmth it gives. Contentment and boredom are often confused. Funny, how we confuse so many things. Lust and love, hatred and anger, fear and respect, or boredom and contentment. For those who are lucky enough to feel the difference,
contentment can be a beautiful thing.
Have a Great, Grand and Glorious day today, Travelers, as we speed through this Wonderful Universe.
May you always be content and never bored, and may you always possess the wisdom to know the difference.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Clean Camera's Lens

Shower taken -check. Lunch made -check. Coffee and bagel eaten -check. Computer check-check. Weather check-check. Front Porch Report written - workin' on it. Haven't been to the Porch yet. According to the Weather Channel it's 40° out there. The air I felt coming in the window seemed warmer than that. 65% humidity, 4 mph northwesterly winds and partly cloudy skies sums it up. The Weather Channel also says the sun will rise at 7:20 am. I'll be at work when that happens. I'm feeling the need to get movin' on. So, a quick Front Porch visit before getting dressed for work...
Not much to see. But not a wasted trip. I now know I need to clean Camera's lens.
Have a good day, Travelers.
And I hope your BDay yesterday was a good one G!

Friday, November 3, 2017

Got Nuttin'

55 degrees tonight. A warm night. Humidity is 75%, the skies are partly cloudy and the wind is 10 mph out of the NW. And I got nuttin' else. Except I love you and wish you happiness, as always.
Good night Travelers. 
I'll try not to oversleep in the morning, like I did this morning. Woke up at 7:12 and still managed to make it to work on time at 8. FAST morning!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Like A Bighorn Sheep

Almost forgot to post today. I just dilly-dallied too long this morning. And then spaced it tonight. Until now. Now, when I wish to go to bed, not stare at a monitor screen.
Took a nose dive into one of the rolling tables at work. No. That's not quite right. I head-butt one of the rolling tables at work today. I guess I unconsciously wanted to make like a Bighorn Sheep and go all battering ram on the table. I think the table won. Actually, I KNOW the table won. And what a SHINING example of irony, if I understand the word correctly. I tripped, you see. I tripped over the curled edge of - drum roll please - a safety mat. You get that, right? Of course you do. A SAFETY mat! A mat strategically placed to specifically ensure my safety. That's right! Tripped me up and sent me headlong into the table! A table which promptly gave me a goose egg the size of a... well... of a goose egg. Only thing injured was my pride. No, that's not right either. Not was. More like IS. The only thing injured IS my pride. Said pride is still bruised. And why, you ask, is my pride still sore? Because,
  Yeah, I'm gonna feel that one in the morning
Current weather conditions are 56°, 96% humidity, 6 mph southerly winds with partly cloudy skies.

Must zoom in...
There's the lovely Luna!
Hope you see the moon tonight. Tis beautiful!
Must get to bed for some much needed head rest.
Goodnight, Travelers.
Love and Happiness to you!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

A Smattering Of Downed Trees

A smattering of the downed trees in just the 4 miles I travel to get to work.
The blue house and the red house are just down the street from us.
What a storm.

Today's current weather conditions, 33° with partly cloudy skies, 88% humidity and calm winds.
Camera has no gumption to go out in the dark and take pictures of black this morning. However, Camera would like to share a couple of visitor pics taken yesterday as we got home from work. First up, an adorable Chickadee.
who was engaged in a foraging battle with a Titmouse
who moved so fast I was pleasantly surprised to find Titty in one of the pictures. He's hard to see in the above pic. All the way up top on the right side. Blurry, but recognizable. It was fun watching the two of them go at it. Their fights never end with injuries. We should take a lesson from that.
Then, when the Chick/Tit show was over... that sounds so much worse than it really is... anyway, I got to the door and this next little guy wanted to come in the house with me.
I told him no.
I also suggested he get off the house asap before one of the foraging birds spotted him for dinner.
And finally, as I settled my fanny into Computer Chair, I heard a furious barking, commotion just outside the window next to me. Upon investigating, I found this little guy giving me the "LOOK" thru the window.
I told him that whatever got his tail in a frizz, I didn't do it. He rudely proceeded to bark at me once before bolting under the porch.
Quite the entertaining welcome home!
Have a good day, Travelers. May all your storms pass you by with little or no damage. And may your 'welcome homes' always be delightful.