Saturday, August 19, 2017

Tomatoes Are Ripening

Camera, snapping away because of my fat thumb syndrome, actually managed a decent WIP. Interesting angle. 72° at the moment. 79% humidity, 3 mph breeze and overcast skies complete a fabulous weather lunch recipe.
Speaking of lunch, I need to go get something to eat! I'm hungry!
D-Ville time is here!
In the meantime-
My tomatoes are ripening. I'm thinking the timing is a bit close for this batch. They may be overripe by the time I get to them. BUT!! The two clusters above them might be ready to eat when I get back.
How 'bout a leaf picture? I'm getting pretty desperate what with no visitors and their antics to ponder and photograph.
Yer looking at about 8 inches worth of leaf here. NOT counting the 3 inch stem at the end.
A wonderful day to you, my Brothers and Sisters of this great Universe. 
Vivi Ridi Ama!