Wednesday, August 30, 2017

American Pelecinid Wasp

53°. Another cool morning on the Front Porch. Mama Nat served up this delicious temperature with 93% humidity, calm winds and fair skies. I guess the skies are fair. The morning is definitely getting darker and I couldn't tell if the sky was cloudy or not. Three crows flew over head, perched on the phone wire right in front of the house, spotted me fumbling for my camera and flew off before Camera had a chance to power up. One of the Crows had a really funny caw. I hope that was just his natural voice and not a sign of something wrong with him. I got nuttin' this morning but worthless babble. I did have a strange visitor perched in my parsley plant. Camera managed to get a couple of decent shots of this particularly scary looking guy. No clue what it is, so, Google here I come.

And Google comes thru again. This beauty is an American Pelecinid Wasp. That long body belongs to the female of the species. It's primary purpose is to lay eggs on grub larvae in the soil. Ok. It's still a bit on the scary looking side. Apparently, it will try to sting if captured but can rarely pierce the human skin. It's the "rarely" part that puts me on guard. But she let me take a few dozen pictures without any worries. 
Have a great day, Travelers.
One more quick check at the sky did not show me any blue out there, Wee-Gees. The skies are overcast, not fair!! Way to guess wrong, again. However, it is a thin cloud cover. Probably didn't show up on their radar.