What a great morning. 69°, 61% humidity, 5 mph winds, fair skies and no bugs bothering me. Except one. A slow moving bumble bee, who possibly mistook my bright pink pj's as flowers, and came to investigate. I have no picture to share of Bumble. Camera never entered my mind. My brain and my body were too engage in an intense battle over my instinctive flight response, urging me to flee in total bug panic, and the captivating close-up of a wonderfully hairy, black and yellow body floating past my glasses. Maybe it was a reflection in the lenses that drew him so close. I really can't say. All I know for sure is, I turned my head and there he was, 2 inches from me. My urge to bolt would have won hands down, if the glimpse of Bumble's visit to my face had been more than a split second. But the visit was over when I turned my head and spotted him, because he had already started moseying, in his bumblebee way, over to the shrubs to give the hosta's a once over before disappearing. Meanwhile, I sat on the Front Porch twitching all over as my body and brain tried to reconcile an aborted dash for the door. What a decidedly odd sensation.
I need to go sit out with Porch and Camera some more. It's just too nice out there not to.
May your Front Porch, wherever it is and whatever it may be, bring you solace and joy when you need it.
And, as Google put it,
Vivi Ridi Ama.
And, because we all know how much can be lost in a Google translation,
I hope I didn't just cuss at you.