The Front Porch was a'bustling with visitors this morning! Not a single picture came out. The lichen on the tree was the only thing that sat still for the camera. Can't say lichen is a highly entertaining visitor. Kinda just sits there. Not a bad visitor tho. Just prefers to observe rather than participate. I get that. Me, the lichen and the numerous birds that visited this morning enjoyed a lovely 64 degrees with 78% humidity, fair skies and calm winds. Calm? There is a delicious breeze blowing out there. Has been all morning. Today the Weather Guessers get a break from the usual epithet thrown at them when I disagree with their forecast. The breeze IS a slight one. You know, seriously, I got nuttin' this morning. May your day be Merry and Bright, cus merry and bright ain't just fer Christmas time.