A picture of the sky... that's all I got today. Last I checked the weather was... blast it. Where's my phone? Hang on a sec... 60 degrees. Degrees that feel wonderful, says I. The weather guessers say it's overcast. That it is. Now. It wasn't when I was out 3 hours ago snapping pictures. 8 mph winds out of the east, they say. No argument here. That wind is why the 60 degrees feels so good right now. 90% humidity. Humidity that has me sweating already. In 60 degree weather no less. Sweating while SITTING in 60 degree weather. 50% chance of precipitation. A 50/50 chance. I guess as far as rain is concerned we are, as they say, straddling the fence... whoa...that thought came with a vivid and uncomfortable image. WARNING: Abrupt channel change. Ever use flypaper? Google offered up a suggestion to make a trap with some to keep ants out of the hummingbird feeders. It works!! One ant got caught (poor lil' guy) but the rest stayed away! Then I Googled flypaper and birds. DO NOT USE GLUE TRAPS AROUND YOUR HUMMERS!!! Talk about vivid images!! Google offered up a loads of those! Birds as large as grackles caught in glue traps! So, this morning I rigged up a hummingbird guard around the flypaper. We'll see if it works. In the meantime, back to my original question. Ever use flypaper? Ever get that blasted glue on your fingers? You have ANY idea how hard it is to open a door with glue covered fingers? Ever notice that the flypaper package offers absolutely zero advice as to how to remove that blasted glue? Trust me when I say avoid tissue. My fingers looked like they were trying sprout feathers. Ever try to Google something with flypaper glue and bits of tissue on your fingers? Let's just say I feel perfectly justified in the following.... HUMPHFFFFFF!!!!!! To help you avoid the mess I had to contend with this morning, keep a bottle of olive oil handy for just such an occasion. Or better yet, avoid the occasion altogether. Ya ain't missing out if ya do. One more thing before this babble fest is over. WARNING: Eminent channel change. Cruising the internet last night I came across an interesting question regarding a song I remember singing as a kid. As a kid I gave NO thought what-so-ever to the lyrics. I just sang it with everyone else, blissfully ignorant. But now I wanna know "Who is Yankee Doodle, and why did he name the feather in his hat Macaroni?" I might Google that one later but for now I'm done. May you cruise thru life without EVER having to contend with flypaper glue on your hands!! Live Laugh and Love, my Dear Travelers!! Hold on to that Laugh part should your hands ever get gluey!!