Sunday, July 10, 2016

I Got Nuttin' Part 5

I got nuttin' this morning. Wait, I got a wet Front Porch, 56 degrees, 97% humidity, 3 mph winds and fog/mist. The We-Guessers tell us to expect more showers/patchy drizzle/patchy fog and a high of 61 today. I guess that means I got sumpin', not nuttin'. Right. Not feelin' it at the moment... My murder of  Crows buddies at work have brought their brood over to share in the feast of crackers, raisins and cranberries that I throw out. If you humanize this next picture that I took yesterday of a young crow waiting for Mama or Papa to feed him a cracker, you get a pretty clear idea of just how I feel this morning. He's adorable with that face. Me, on the other hand, wearing the same face?
Yeah, quite horrifying. A perfect illustration of my mood right now. My wish for you today... I wish I had a clever wish for you today, but a black cloud seems to have obscured all the wishes in my head... *heavy sigh*