Thursday, September 24, 2020

Where to begin again...


 I haven't done this with any regularity in so long. I'm unsure how to begin again. The weather is a safe place to start. Let me consult the weather according to the NWS. That being the National Weather Service, just in case a memory needs to be jogged. We had a high of 79... I have to look up how to make the degree symbol again. Hang on... ok, got it. Hold alt and type 0176 and TA-DA! ° there it is. 79° for our high today. Fair skies this morning and mostly cloudy skies this afternoon. No precipitation. Yesterday was pretty similar but the three days before that- BRRRR! The lows were in the 30's. I thought winter had come early. 

I suppose I can take an evening picture. The weather pictures will not be what they used to be. My view is, well, lets just say I have no view. But it should suffice for a weather visual.

My porch. 
The one that greeted me this morning with a medium sized spider. The same porch that greeted me with a Godzilla sized spider the morning before. It got sprayed this morning. Umm... the porch not the spiders. I shoved the spiders off my porch with my snow shovel and wished them luck as they scurried toward the rear of the building. Yes, I said snow shovel. Really, I thought winter had shown up. My bed is calling me. I'm off to dream land, my dear reader and fellow life traveler. 
I hope your dreams are pleasant and your sleep peaceful.
And as always, Live Well, Laugh Often and Love Much. 
It's the best way to live.