Friday, September 25, 2020

Weather is All I Got Time For

Weather is All I Got Time For
 I got 5 minutes! And believe me, I cannot accomplish much in that time. Here's a weather pic this morning. At least it's from my Front Porch, right? I mean, that way I don't hafta change the title of this blog.... after all this time the word Blog still sounds like someone retching. :) On to the pic!
The weather auguries say current temp is 58 alt 0176 umm... yer sposta type the numbers whilst holding the alt key :) 58°. they also say we can expect a high of 72° with calm winds and partly sunny skies. Sounds perfect to me. 
May your day be perfect for you, whatever a perfect day may be for you.
I'll edit for mistakes tonight or tomorrow.
Later travelers!