Monday, April 9, 2018

Mocam Vid

I have a Mocam vid for you. Kinda sounds like a alien language... Mocam vid... Anyway, unfortunately, it's not a good vid. But when I got nuttin' a bad vid is gonna hafta do. Still haven't figured out the best settings on Mocam or why the videos are green. But it doesn't stop Chippy from being cute. Even if only for a couple of seconds.

Phone took a much better vid.

The weather. While I was sitting out there visiting Chippy, it was 38° with fair skies, 25% humidity and the 7 mph winds were gusting at 21 mph. Too cold to stay out there for very long. I think I'm gonna get me another glass of Sweet Tea, thank you Baby Sis, and see if I can't clean house just a little, before I get distracted and forget again.
Have a great evening and a glorious night filled with sweet Dreams.
Te quiero, Travelers. 
Wait. How 'bout some more free clipart? I'm getting desperate for things to share. At least this one adds a bit of color.