A few clouds?
Wait. Let me retract that. I haven't been out to visit the Front Porch yet, ergo... :)... ergo:) Why that's a funny word to me is a mystery. Anyway, I can't say for absolute certain that the sky is 100% covered in clouds. My first glimpse was brief. But it looked utterly, completely and entirely covered. Not mostly, not partly and not "a few clouds" but totally covered. The "looks like rain" kind of overcast was the impression, and my immediate thought, when I closed my window upon rising.
Samcam and I are gonna go check this situation out. Mocam, c'mon! You can come too!
Hard to tell with a picture. For all you know it's just the white out effect that digital cameras like so much. So you'll have to take my word for it that the sky is completely covered in clouds. The epithet stands! The rest of the weather is... we had an update. It says overcast now. 31° with overcast skies, calm winds and 69% humidity. Nope. Not taking it back!
Mocam failed to be triggered by a chippy that ran into it's field of view. My fault. I placed Mo more than 20 feet away from where Chippy was foraging. Well beyond what is recommended to capture small game. And, seriously, Chippy is nowhere near large enough to qualify as small game... Every time I say the word "game" in this context, I feel like I should be out in camouflage, stalking Chippy with a huge blunderbuss and blasting him for breakfast. Yes, I bought a trail camera. No, I am not a hunter. I just want images of the little guys that visit the yard. Not a Chippy omelet.
Have a good day, Travelers!
Here's the March recap.
I hope your March was a fabulous one, and may April be even better!