Friday, April 20, 2018

Absolutely Nothing


37°, 76% Humidity, 3 mph Wind, Overcast
Nutshell Weather
I'll add a WIP later if I remember to take one when I leave for work, AND if I remember to post it when I get home. 
Stomach still messed up, so I'm too tired or lazy to wanna do anything else but sit mindlessly, staring at a computer monitor and whatever the cursor clicked on. Definitely something going around the workplace, cus 4 fellow employees are plagued with exactly the same thing.
Stay well, Travelers.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Nikcam And Powcam

I have recently purchased- second hand- 2 point and shoot cameras. I had high hopes for Nikcam. But alas, it has a battery issue. One I have found to be pretty common in digital cameras. The pesky issue where a brand new set of batteries lasts about, oh, 5 minutes, or less than a dozen pictures before the "battery exhausted" warning flashes across the screen and the camera then promptly turns itself off. Still trouble shooting that one. Nikcam appears to take wonderful pictures, when it can. 
The second is Cancam... wait, I have a Camera named Cancam. Ok, this one will hereby be known as Powcam. Powcam... I like it! Powcam has only been powered up long enuf to set the time and date and snap a couple of pictures. No real testing of its capabilities yet. I have found a certain delight in testing second hand cameras. Every camera I own but Samcam (oh Samcam, I miss you) is second hand. Of course, there would be no testing of these cameras EVER, if it weren't for the Goodwill's return policy.
I need breakfast.
Through the window I can see the dawn's bluey light and I hear Robins singing. Phone says we got 40° of Overcast skies that are promising rain in the near future. We also have 70% humidity and a delicious 3 mph breeze out of the SW. 
Time to go visit the Front Porch.
The following WIP is brought to you by Nikcam.
2 pictures later the Nikcam's batteries died.

This next WIP is brought to you by Powcam.
Batteries are hanging in there with the Powcam.
Are ya bored yet? If not, you might want to check for a fever. You may have a cold or something coming on. This is the longest period of time with the "I got nuttin's" yet. It will pass. Just dunno when.
In the meantime, my wishes for you are always sent out with much love.
Have a great, grand and glorious day, Travelers.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Digestive Issues

Digestive issues.
I'll stop there, since even that is too much information.
86% humidity
3 mph SW winds and
Overcast skies
Not the best WIP to illustrate the lack of overcast skies. Really!? And they call themselves Weathermen...women... people... persons... WHATEVER. Those Weather Guessers are nothin' but
Overcast!? 'A Few Clouds' would almost qualify as an exaggeration.
Deep down I love the Weather Guessers. They do the best they can. And the 'keep 'em guessing' attitude can be very entertaining coming from them.
  oh dear...
Oh... bother.
May your day, no, make that your LIFE, be free of digestive issues.
The following WIP, once I post it below, was taken as I stepped out the door to go to work. The exact time officially being 6:44 am. That being just two minutes after I hit 'publish' this morning and exactly 10 minutes after taking the first Wip, that being the one up above the grumbling kitty there. I took the second one because I was still fussin' in my head at the WeeGees for saying it was overcast and was interrupted in my mental flogging of said WeeGees by an unbelievably blue sky. A blue that Phone couldn't duplicate but yer getting the pic anyway.
Now I ask you, do you see any clouds in that sky? No. There are no clouds. Which makes the WeeGees LIARS!!
You know, I just realized how much I love the weather!
And the Weather Guessers.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Dripping Wet Two Words

Phone says the Weather Guessers say we have Fog.
Well, lemme tell ya, we do have Fog. Was no way not to notice when I closed my window this morning. Humidity is at 100%, the winds are out of the South at 5 mph and the temp is a balmy 45°.
WIP or WIV time coming up.
Mocam didn't wanna take a WIV this morning. Nothing but dark. And it really isn't that dark out... hmmm... still trying to figure this camera out. Oh well, Lumcam took a WIP.
Foggy is the word. And Dripping Wet, two words. :) It's not raining right now, but it sure sounds like it is. I'm ready for work. Lunch is made, breakfast has been breakfasted, I'm showered, dressed but for my shoes, sipping my tea and trying desperately to come up with something to say this morning. 
*heavy sigh*
I got nuttin', witty, wise or otherwise.
I always have a wish for you though.
May your day be a Grand one indeed and may your Witty, Wise and Otherwise be awake when you need them!

Monday, April 16, 2018

I Ain't Sayin' I Forgot Cus I Didnt

Wow, is the wind blowin'. 21 mph out of the East with gusts up to 38 mph! Not as bad as the wind storm we had a few months back. Maybe we'll be spared the falling trees this time. I would like to take a WIP but... hey... maybe Mocam can play in the dark! C'mon Mocam, let's go see!
Mocam took a WIV! 
Kinda sounds like a personal issue regarding the urinary tract, but really it's a Weather Illustration Video. Not an entertaining WIV. But a WIV nonetheless! And it's NOT 75° out there like Mocam thinks. It's 42° with 96% humidity and Rain/Fog/Mist and Breezy, Breezy being a redundancy to go along with the wind we've already discussed. Audio couldn't pick up the sound of the wind. It's blowing hard enough to pelt me with the rain and soak me to the skin. Gonna need a dry pair of jammies.
Must share the short vid of my arm before bidding you goodnight.
Infared is kinda cool in a trail camera.
Have a Good night with Great rest and Glorious Dreams!

Sunday, April 15, 2018

70 To 100 If We're Lucky

Sleet. We have sleet. Phone says the Weather Guessers say it's 30° and Overcast. Feels and looks correct. But we have sleet to go with it.
We also have 47% humidity and 3 mph winds.
Snow Likely then Chance Rain/Snow. Less than half inch accumulation.
And, finally, for your viewing pleasure, today's WIP is brought to you by Lumcam.
Kinda looks like all the other WIP's. Although Mama Nature is in the process of changing her clothes.
May your spring be a fantabulous one, Travelers. We only get anywhere between 70 and 100 of them, if we're lucky. May happiness and joy be the companions traveling with you through all seasons!

Saturday, April 14, 2018

YouTubin' Is Fun

Still with the clipart.
46° with ... 46!? Wow. Anyway, 46 degrees with overcast skies, 83% humidity and 6 mph winds are the current weather conditions. Haven't been out to confirm that but it does feel a bit warmer than usual this morning.
The YouTube bug has struck yet again. I've gone from hummingbird videos to birdbath videos, gardening videos and Peacock Spider videos to shark videos, whale rescue videos, deep sea videos, Mariana Trench videos to live eagle cam videos, and then trail camera videos (Tim Harrell posts great videos), moved on to Irish People Eat videos, back to hummingbird videos and birdbath videos, then on to DIY toad house videos, watercolor videos (I love Jay Lee. He's awesome!), Jenny can cook videos, Food Wishes videos (guys voice over drives me nuts but I love his cooking advice), Freakin' Reviews videos and Inside Edition videos, moved on to Wildlife Aid videos and Science Magazine videos, then on to Nasa's ISS live videos, Norway's live Train cam videos... well, I think that's enuf to get the general idea of how I spend my spare time lately. Right now I'm watching award winning short horror films. Anywhere from a couple of minutes to half an hour. Some of them are spooky! Others, not so much. The acting is often bad enuf to ruin the spook factor. But even so, I love love love the amateur attempts. You can see the budding talent in the actors, camera operators, script writers and directors. Keep at it! Your names will be big one day. The talent is there.
I need to let Lumcam illustrate the current conditions surrounding the Front Porch at the moment and... BLAST IT! I forgot to put my clothes in the dryer. No time to dry them AND put them away now.
A WIP! Must let Lumcam take a WIP.
There we go. Good job, Lumcam. It's sprinkling ever so lightly out there.
Time for me to go!
Have a wonderful day, Travelers! Oh, and may your well wishes never be met with the rude and snarky remarks miserable people love to share. Case in point, "What's so good about it?" A remark which I get a lot and which is a sad remark as well as rude, because it so obviously points out one of two things, that nothing is good in their life or they just can't stand the well-wisher personally. But I don't let that ruin what's good in mine!
Love and Happiness to you, as always!!

Friday, April 13, 2018

Only Clipart And The Weather

Too tired...
100% humidity
Calm winds
Rain Likely tonight
Weather In A Nutshell
Te Quiero, Travelers

Thursday, April 12, 2018

April Showers In The Forecast

At the risk of sounding redundant, Good Morning!
Hope these images are in the public domain or free. That's what I searched for and this is what Google gave me. I think it's kinda purdy.
Weather is currently 28° of fair skies, 100% humidity and calm winds. There is a chance of rain this afternoon. And a chance of rain tonight. And a chance of rain tomorrow afternoon, tomorrow night, and Saturday, and Saturday night along with a chance of snow, and snow/sleet on Sunday, rain Sunday night, and rain Monday and Monday night, and Tuesday, and then it says " Tuesday Night Mostly Cloudy",  followed by "Wednesday Mostly Sunny." I'm thinking' "April Showers" are on their way. If the Weatherpeople are guessing well. It's the ole flip of a coin guess... I wonder if they actually flip a coin...?
WIP time. To illustrate the weather conditions this morning we are dragging Lumcam, Phone and Mocam outside to visit the Front Porch and mosey the M Woods. At 28° I don't expect the visit to be long and the mosey might turn into a mad dash for warmth.
Be right back.


All 4 of us are happy now!!
Have a good day, Travelers.
May your April Showers truly bring the May Flowers!!

Speaking of flowers, our crocuses have sprouted-

And so have these lovelies. I admit I'm not sure what these are-

As always, may
be your constant companions.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Playing With The Clipart

I must stop with the YouTube videos. I have things to do before I go to the places I must to go and the videos are taking all the things to do time. I must be brief with this so I can get to the places I must be on time.
Currently the Front Porch is enjoying.... that might not be the right word. Perhaps "shivering with attempted enjoyment" might be a better way to put it.  So, the Front Porch is shiveringly enjoying 22°, 92% humidity, calm winds and  :)  "A Few Clouds." I love "A few Clouds." It leaves an element of mystery and mild anticipation when stepping out for the first time, which I must do now.
Foggy out there.

be with you, wherever you are.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Breakfast This Morning

Mmmmm... Lovin' breakfast this morning. Why is it that you can have the same things for breakfast over and over again, and yet one morning, like this morning, it tastes so much better than all the other times your plate had the exact same thing on it? Even my coffee has manage to elevate it's standards today. I find it not quite as putrid this morning. It's just... bad. Which is a far cry above it's normal putrescent state. Tis all a mystery to me.
What have we for weather conditions, Phone?... Ok... where are you? Oh yeah. On the kitchen counter, where all phones reside when not in use.
23°. It's gonna be chilly then. Calm winds. No wind chill to contend with. 74% humidity. No pithy remark comes to mind. Fair skies. Again, zero with the pithy.
C'mom, Lumcam. The dawn's early light is showing it's colors.
Have a good day, Everyone.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Mocam Vid

I have a Mocam vid for you. Kinda sounds like a alien language... Mocam vid... Anyway, unfortunately, it's not a good vid. But when I got nuttin' a bad vid is gonna hafta do. Still haven't figured out the best settings on Mocam or why the videos are green. But it doesn't stop Chippy from being cute. Even if only for a couple of seconds.

Phone took a much better vid.

The weather. While I was sitting out there visiting Chippy, it was 38° with fair skies, 25% humidity and the 7 mph winds were gusting at 21 mph. Too cold to stay out there for very long. I think I'm gonna get me another glass of Sweet Tea, thank you Baby Sis, and see if I can't clean house just a little, before I get distracted and forget again.
Have a great evening and a glorious night filled with sweet Dreams.
Te quiero, Travelers. 
Wait. How 'bout some more free clipart? I'm getting desperate for things to share. At least this one adds a bit of color. 

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Um, I Almost Forgot

Um, I almost forgot the weather and the most important part of the daily post. As for the weather, at this very moment we have 40 delicious but chilly degrees, 27% humidity, 3 mph winds and fair skies. There is a slight chance we will have a snow shower tonight, sometime between 11 and midnight. This, according to the Inaccurate Society of Weather Augurers.
As a current illustration of the weather, I have a picture just now taken that shows a recently added plastic placemat to the Water Station.
I don't like this particular placemat. It's one I already had and used as a crafting mat. But I think I like the idea. Now to find one that might actually look good. It fits into my criteria quite well. Inexpensive or free, a recycled or repurposed item, quick and easy to remove, clean and replace, and, I hope, slim to no chance of causing unintended harm to visitors.
Now, as for "the most important part of this post"
May your day... make that evening, be a grand one indeed. And may love and happiness follow you always.

Bird Watering Station

Set up a bird watering station a few days ago. Still need to figure out how to camouflage the bottle so it is more aesthetically pleasing. Then it snowed. So I ignored it for a couple of days. Went out and refilled this morning. Look at this!! 

Titmouse! (I think)

And Chippy!
I wasn't fast enough to get a picture of the Nuthatch.
All this within 20 minutes after refill!

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Lumcam Not Pancam

Light Snow/Fog/Mist. The Weatherperson must be trying to cover all bases so I don't start slinging derogatory names their way. Must go verify this Light Snow/Fog/Mist. I must also grab a different camera. Poor Samcam just can't snap a picture anymore. Pancam, you wanna go out and play?
I forgot Pancam has a lens cover issue. Shadows in the corners... a dead giveaway.
We do have a very light snow falling. So light, that I didn't notice it until at the street. As for the rest of the weather, we have 33°, 100% humidity and 5 mph South winds. No chill when I stepped out on the Front Porch. These chills are something new. I think. I don't recall having them until this winter. I have decided, emphatically mind you, that I don't like them at all.
As I was turning off Camera, just now, there was, in large letters, the word Lumix on the LED screen. I got the distinct impression I was being chastised for calling Camera by the wrong name. Apparently Pancam is incorrect. Lumcam is correct. Well, alrighty then. But I gotta say, Lumcam sounds more like a skin disease than a proper name for a Camera. 
Gotta go now. Works beckons. Have I mentioned that I love my job? As humble a job as it may be, as low-income as I may be classified, I love getting up and going to work right now. How much is that worth? A very great deal, I think.
Te quiero, Travelers. May love and happiness be your traveling companions today. And may you find a job you truly love, because then, it's not work at all.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Lovely Luna

Chilly on the Front Porch. Poor Samcam didn't like it, that's for sure. Took 5 minutes to get a handful of pictures. Poor thing. 
The lovely Luna still with us in the morning.
Well, no wonder it was chilly. 18° is chilly. 77% humidity, calm winds and fair skies. Looks like the Weather Guessers and OBACE concur this morning. The 2 to 5 inches of snow that was predicted for today/tonight has been downgraded to less than an inch.
Time to go.
Have a great day, Travelers.

Thursday, April 5, 2018



Again with the nuttin'...
Still asleep, I guess. We currently have 28° waiting for us on the Front Porch. Add fair skies, 56% humidity along with 9 mph winds gusting up to 18 mph and we're gonna have a pretty brisk visit.
Hey! Looks like we're in for another snowstorm tomorrow! 2 to 5 inches! How 'bout that. 
Is it time for a picture yet?
Beautiful Luna.
Brrrr. The Front Porch visit was, as predicted, a brisk visit.
Have a great day, Travelers!

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


I have 40 minutes! That should be long enuf for 10 sentences.
Well, 35 minutes should be long enuf for 7 or 8 sentences, if I can think of any sentences.
Samcam, lets go see if the dawn is dawning. Maybe that'll inspire some sentences.
Too dark. Too chilly. Too wet. But Samcam tried...
36° with calm winds, 100% humidity and Fog/Mist. Yep. The mist shows itself in Samcam's flash.
It was dripping wet out there. Rain sounds without actual rain.
It snowed yesterday.
As unthrilling as the video is, it's a hundred times more thrilling than this post.
*heavy sigh*
I have the time this morning and I got nuttin'. On mornings I have no time I got plenty to do nuttin' with.
What's up with that?
May your days of nuttin' be few and far between, Travelers. There's ALWAYS something. Just gotta set the senses free.
There. 22 sentences if I counted correctly. Now, it's 25.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Puttered Too Long

calm winds 
mostly cloudy skies (?)
96% humidity
The moon looks very pretty in that mostly cloudy sky, doncha think?
Must go to work now.
Puttered too long this morning.
May the day be a great grand and glorious one for you, my Fellow Travelers!