Friday, June 30, 2017

Back Aches

Back aches. Specifically, my back aches. I think if my aspirin would go to work I might have something to say... naw, probably not. Workin' on it tho. Weather! That wonderful ice breaker! After all, it's the second main reason for the Front Porch Report. Phone is trying to grab a signal... of course, I don't need Phone to tell you that it's raining outside, that the temp is pleasant which puts it somewhere in the 60's, that the wind is calm and the humidity is high. So sayeth OBACE. The Wee-gees are going with Light Rain/Fog/Mist, 62°, calm winds and 96% humidity. Wow. OBace and the Wee-gees are getting along lately. The WIP can't show rain, but things are looking green and very lush around the Front Porch! The Twins wanted their picture taken. I could tell. They pose EVERY day for me, those lovely trees! DONE, we're DONE here, so DONE. I got nuttin'. It's best to admit than type more drivel.
The twins are lovely tho...
May you LIVE backache free so you can LAUGH with abandon and LOVE life!!!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Robin Hunting Bugs

The morning is beautiful! 59°, 90% totally doable humidity at the moment, calm winds and fair skies. OBACE and the wee-gees are in total agreement with that assessment of the weather conditions. I'm thinkin' it's absolutely illegal to be scheduled for work on such a fine day. In my fantasy world it would be! May all your days be fine and may all your fine days see you able to enjoy them. Love and happiness, Travelers!!
"Robin Hunting Bugs"
Go Robin Go!!! No critical social commentary about your hunting methods or the helplessness of your prey. Get those bugs, baby!!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


OVERCAST!? There isn't a cloud in the sky At least not the sky I can see. So I say again
I love the Weather Guessers. They give the hangie-down thing in the back of my throat... uvula... that's it... my uvula a decent workout. 55... blast it, I can't remember how to make the degree symbol. Hang on...
There it is! ALT+0176. Talk about losin' it if ya don't use it. Humphf. It's not like it's an easy code to remember. At least not for the brain I've been issued. Back to the weather report. 
55° of wonderfulness outside. Calm winds, 96% humidity and a plethora of bird song to go with that wonderfulness.
All is right. 
May all be right with you, in your piece of the world!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

I'm Back... Maybe

52 degrees outside. 93% humidity and calm winds to go with it. Skies are fair and beautiful. A wish for you today- may you have a pleasant morning, a glorious afternoon, a wonderful evening and a dream filled night. Journey on my Fellow Travelers.