Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Realm of Stupidity

The current weather conditions are... 63 degrees, 87% humidity, fair skies and calm winds. Cliff notes version might read "Wow, is it nice out!!" Lots and lots of birds, but no photo ops other than the "old bird" sittin' on the Front Porch in the selfy. Selfys... what a phenomenon. However, I kinda like the perspective in the photo. Wonder what the F P would look like from the roof?  NOPE! HUH UH! NO! NO! NO! No way am I gonna get up on the roof for a downward view. Still...Would be a totally cool picture I think... Don't even THINK about it!! Just the thought puts me at the border of the Realm of Absolute Stupidity!! I visit that realm often enuf without trying. I don't need to visit on purpose. *Heavy sigh*... My wish for you today, Do it safely while your able, cus able to safely goes away. I love you, my fellow travelers of the Universe!!

Monday, May 30, 2016

And Then The Crow Bellowed

60 degrees of a beautiful evening on the Front Porch. A nice cool breeze and a few clouds in a blue blue sky. Heaven. To the archives!!!

Dec 12 2015
Good morning. Stepped out on the Front Porch, as usual, checked the weather report, as usual, snapped the picture to illustrate the weather report, as usual, hit a few of the wrong keys on the phone, AS USUAL, listened, looked, smelled and tried to "feel" the weather and the morning, as usual, decided there was nothing unusual enuf to note and was turning to go back inside to make me a cup of this vile black liquid that me and 90% of my fellow humans here in the good ole U.S. of A. start our morning with, as usual, when a crow who, apparently, was perched on the roof directly above me, loudly bellowed out a response to another crow I had been listening to in the distance. Did I say bellowed? Capitalize that. He BELLOWED his response. The resulting jump-start to my heart and body sent the phone tumbling into the air which sent my hands tumbling thru the air, of their own accord mind you, after the blasted thing, trying to save it from a potentially deadly fall down the porch steps. I guess my hands forgot for a moment that they were attached to ME. I was ungracefully dragged down the steps in a stumbling, tumbling ballet of sorts as my hands continued to juggle the phone in the air, until we all finally landed in a heap on the grass. We are all unscathed, the phone, my hands and I. Grass is a good thing. The fact that the ground hasn't frozen yet, also a good thing. I would punish my hands for their complete disregard of my well being but I can't figure out how to do that without causing myself pain. And I might have given serious consideration to shooting the crow had there been a gun in my hands as he flew off. I think he was laughing at me. But my only choice at the end of my dance down the steps was to say "Good morning" to the huge grin that was walking his dogs by the house at that moment. WHY is there ALWAYS a witness!?
34°, 96% humidity calm winds with "fog?". There ain't no fog bank out there...
May your day be stumble, tumble and trip free!! Ti amo!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Storff of November

It's gor... hold on... that's better. I kinda sorta like U2 but trying to think and type while listening to their CD proved impossible. I'm thinkin' it's time fer a little disco!!!  It's gorgeous out. An overcast and breezy 57 degrees. So peaceful this morning. And yet with all that beautiful peace, my head can't do this today. Back to the archives. Again...

Nov. 8, 2015

Nice out. 41° with 55% humidity, 6 mph winds and fair skies. Gonna take a walk in that recipe. Yeah, it's nice outside... Ok, I’m back. With a selfy no less. Well, a kinda selfy. A shadow selfy! What is it with selfys? Anyway, when I wakes up this morning I'm all stiff and sore. So, I says to myself, I says, self, go for a walk. That will take care of the "storff" yer feeling. You know, the "stiff and sore" combo. So, I takes my own advice and I goes fer a walk. So, when I get back from my walk I've traded in my storff for a runny nose, sore back and an upset stomach. Now I asks ya, what kinda trade off is that!?!.
The Footsy picture, had ta be done. A leaf of some kinda huge I met on my walk! I mean, seriously, that's a size 11 boat sittin' next to it in the pic, if that can give you some kinda perspective!!!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Pretty Stars of October

My heads got nuttin' this morning. Probably cus I'm fixin' to hit the yard sales!!! So, I'm looking to the archives...

From Oct 26, 2015

I'm up at... when did I getup?... Doesn't matter. I'm up early cus I wanted to see the Venus Jupiter Mars cluster, only to find the trees obliterating the view. Not completely. I did managed to catch one blurry picture of all three when the wind moved the branches!! Can't even see the trees in the picture it was so dark. Way to dark. Which is probably why I had my heart jump-started by a passing jogger and his trusty dog. Almost wet myself!! And it's not like the jogger did it on purpose what with the 100 gigawatt headlamp he was wearing that practically blinded me when we finally saw each other. The three of us engaged in a massive triple startle but somehow we all maintained enuf presence of mind NOT to scream and shatter the early morning peace. I'm sure it was to avoid the embarrassing questions we would have had to answer had someone called 911. "Gee officer, see the pretty stars..." Uh huh...
It's a warm 34° out, the humidity is at 92%, we have "a few clouds" in the sky, and it says the winds are calm. LIARS!!! The wind is so blowing out there! Ok ok, so maybe it's not gale force. Maybe it’s not really a wind mind you. But it was enuf of a breeze to move the tree tops so I couldn't see the pretty stars. The same pretty stars I DIDN'T have to point out to the 911 police who weren't called because I didn't scream.
In parting, (thank the stars, right?) let us quote the Irish again, "love as though your heart has never been broken." Top o’ the mornin’ to ya! Oh, and one more thing. That really is Venus, Jupiter and Mars in the picture, as seen from the Front Porch.  However, I must admit it looks like nothing more than dust motes on the camera lens. :)

Friday, May 27, 2016

Mr. Toad

Another beautiful weather recipe being served up on the Front Porch. 54 degrees of 5 mph winds felt so good. Posta rain, maybe. That's a 30% chance of maybe. Possibly a thunderstorm. I like thunderstorms. Had one Wednesday night. Where was I?... The Porch report!... I could hear chippy scuttling around under the porch but he never popped his head out. Wise chippy. No visitors this morning BUT!, I did have one last night. After work, as I came up the walk, a little toad was hopping toward me. AND, he let me take a picture. I probably blinded the poor thing with the camera flash. May your weather breakfast be a delicious one and your visitors be as delightful as Mr. Toad! Te amo!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Lady Slipper

Our Lady Slipper bloomed! Third time since we've moved here. I've been watching for it in the green belt that separates our driveway from our neighbors. Spotted it yesterday as I was leaving for work! For those who may not know, it's a wild orchid. And a beautiful one at that. Gorgeous morning. 59 degrees right now. Sunny, with a bright blue sky, calm winds and 87% humidity. Quite a delicious weather recipe. Still, working on the blog shyness. I'll get past it. Let's see what's in the archives :)

From Oct. 22 2015

He's in the pic. I'm just a lousy photographer. The Front Porch had a visitor this morning. Well, two actually. But I only caught a glimpse of the second one. An unusually bold crow sat in the front tree and made all kinds of noises for me while I stood underneath. He let me take all kinds of pictures too. Unfortunately, it was too dark to take a decent one. He and a mostly unseen Bluejay were having a disagreement about something. The Bluejay finally buzzed the crow and they took their argument elsewhere. It's 53° warm this morning. Humidity is hovering at 86%, the winds are calm and it is overcast. Didn't check to see if we were to expect rain.
One of these days I'm gonna send a text unedited. I'm using the swipe method trying to get used to it. And there is a good example! I just swiped the word “trying” 13 times before giving up and typing it. I gotta see what my texts will say if I let the phone choose for me!  A good day to you me loved ones. May the wind be always at yer back!

I forgot about the Unedited Swipe!! I haven't done any since I gave up on the swipe method. To illustrate just how bad I am at swiping on the phone, here is my first Unedited Swipe from Oct.22, 2015:
Didn't wanna wait till tomorrow. Here goes with the unedited swipe!
There are two squirrels interested back yards fight ING for food rights. I loved took watch them race around s the trees. Bookmaker little biggies! I wish I confidence visors them weekend they are reaching around and around the tree. I never seem to have my camera with me when I see them do to. That's a ballet workforce video respond! 
There are two squirrels in the back yard fighting for food rights. I love to watch them race around the trees. Nimble little boogers! I wish I could video tape them when they are racing around and around the trees. I never seem to have my camera with me when I see them do it. That's a ballet worth video taping!
Boy, do I need to practice!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Once Wasn't Enough

I no sooner sat down on the Front Porch when this little chippy jumped up on the step. It was only luck that I had my camera on and even better luck that I was ready to start snapping pictures. Of course the slight move I made to train the camera on the little guy alerted him that there was a huge presence on the steps less that 2 feet away! He froze, I snapped, he executed a fantastic startled leap into the air and shot under the porch. In his hurry I heard AND felt him collide with the boards of the step. I'm thinkin' he's sporting a major headache right now. I can say with certainty that the little fella is okay. Not one to learn from first time experiences, he popped up on the other side of the porch and promptly repeated every single step of his startled ballet which included smashing into the boards during his hasty retreat. A double headache. I hope he can continue to enjoy this beautiful morning. 54 degrees of foggy peacefulness along with calm winds and 97% humidity. Have a grand and glorious day and remember to grab hold of what the 6 L's might bring your way today. It's food for your big Dreams!

Report from Oct. 10, 2015

I stepped outside to snap the morning weather picture and there was a rustling in the shrub next to porch. First thought- SKUNK! I could smell the odor. I froze on the spot. Heard the rustle again- stayed frozen on the spot. Eyes were still trying to wake up. Squinting like mad trying to see what might be trying to eat me or make me stink like crazy for the next few weeks. I've discovered that at my age frozen on the spot means instant full body cramp. These cramps are not pleasant. I highly suggest you avoid them. Ok, time to bolt for the door. The distance seems immense, all 10 inches of it. But I ready myself and make it inside before being attacked by this unseen skunk. From the relative safety behind the storm door I study the shrub. Rustle rustle rustle. Then I see it!! Water dripping off the rain gutter onto the leaves!! I went from full body cramp directly into full body giggle fit. If the neighbors were witness to my antics they must think I am insane.